Embrace progress over perfection, and begin your day with greater self-compassion and confidence.
We assist you in discovering methods to calm the chaos, engage with the moment, and embrace happiness in the process instead of fixating on the result.
Grasp the distinction between discipline and motivation, and recognize what you desire in the moment compared to what you truly want in the long run.
- Abraham Lincoln
You find yourself stuck in cycles of overthinking, afraid to make mistakes, or constantly doubting your worth based on performance. Perfectionism can manifest as an overwhelming desire to be flawless in all aspects of life; whether in work, relationships, or your own self-image. It often leads to chronic stress, anxiety, low self-esteem and burnout, and it’s a exceedingly common anxiety, but what’s the antidote to being a people pleaser?
Our sessions help you challenge unhelpful patterns and discover how to embrace those imperfections. Find peace in progress rather than perfection; start your day with more self-compassion and confidence.
Life used to feel so much easier. In a world that constantly pushes you to achieve and perform, it can be hard to stay grounded in the present moment. Comparison is everywhere, on every screen, all the time. You may feel the weight of expectations, measuring your success by how much you do rather than how you feel.
Those feelings of self doubt, anxiety and inadequacy can lead to chronic burnout that leaves you feeling separate from the world around you. We help navigate performance pressure by re-examining the sources of expectations, managing stress, and setting healthy, realistic goals.
Can drain your energy and leave you feeling stuck. You might feel guilty for not doing enough, or find yourself constantly chasing after the next goal without depriving any joy from it. It's easy to feel trapped under the weight of expectations and obligations.
Our approach focuses on helping you understand the difference between discipline and motivation, and what you want now versus what you want most. It's about learning to set boundaries, manage your time and ultimately having a cognitive restructure so you don't feel crushed under pressure.
Individual Therapy
(In person or online)
50 minutes a session
$150.00 CAD